Digital embroidery chart “Visiting a Fairy Tale”

Digital embroidery chart “Visiting a Fairy Tale”

In stock
Designer Galina Egorenkova
Number of the floss colours 14
Number of cross-stitches 8914
Size (cross-stitches) 117 × 184
Size on the recommended fabric 18.5 × 29 cm
Embroidery technique Cross-stitch
Recommended fabric Belfast, 32 ct, песочный неоднотонный / Vintage Sahara (3609/2349)
Key DMC, Gamma, Trade n.a. Kirov
Size of the chart sheet A4
Type of the chart Colored Chart, Black-and-white Chart
Number of the chart sheets 11
Instructions language Russian, English
Type of the file PDF, Cross Stich Saga

Categories: Charts Digital charts

Tags: Fairy Tales В гостях у сказки Фольклор