Digital embroidery chart “Around the Sun” with English Titles

Digital embroidery chart “Around the Sun” with English Titles

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Designer Galina Egorenkova
Number of the floss colours 10
Number of cross-stitches 11144
Size (cross-stitches) 197 × 197
Size on the recommended fabric 31.5 × 31.5 cm
Embroidery technique Cross-stitch
Recommended fabric Канва Belfast 32 Ct 3609/578 (голубая ель/blue spruce)
Key Owlforest, DMC, Gamma, Trade n.a. Kirov
Size of the chart sheet A4
Type of the chart Colored Chart, Black-and-white Chart
Number of the chart sheets 15
Instructions language Russian, English
Type of the file PDF, Cross Stich Saga

Categories: Charts Digital charts

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