Free Digital Chart for SAL “Alice in Wonderland” Three-color Option

Free Digital Chart for SAL “Alice in Wonderland” Three-color Option

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The beginning of the release on April 23, on this day, we will publish the first part. You can join at any time. Now you can start buying or finding materials. There will be 19 parts in total, every 2 weeks, on Fridays, we will post the next part. Those who have participated in our free SALs before knows how it works. The last part will be released on January 7, 2022, after which we give another month to catch up. The SAL will last until February 7, 2022.

Designer Galina Egorenkova
Number of the floss colours 3
Number of cross-stitches 23519
Size (cross-stitches) 263 × 263
Size on the recommended fabric 42 × 42 cm
Embroidery technique Cross-stitch, Back Stitch
Recommended fabric Belfast 32ct цвет №3009 мокко неоднотонный/country mocha
Key Owlforest, DMC, Gamma, Trade n.a. Kirov
File to download /wa-data/public/site/free/0126-%D0%90%D0%A1%D0%A7-%D0%91_Alice_in_Wonderland_tricolor_19.pdf
Type of the chart Colored Chart, Black-and-white Chart
Instructions language Russian, English
Type of the file PDF, Cross Stich Saga

Categories: Charts Free charts

Tags: Галина Егоренкова Алиса в Стране Чудес